Wednesday, March 19, 2008


What is this phenomena called emotion? We do not know why it exists and we cannot evade from it. Can you stop being angry when someone hits you? Okay if you don't feel angry, you will feel somewhat shocked, right? That is what i'm talking about. Shock is an emotion. when you are taken aback by something not expected of. This thing called emotion that exists in all human beings makes us humbled by our limitations. I am trying to say how vulnerable we humans are. We are vulnerable. Say you get a piece of sad news. Really very sad news. For example, someone very close passed away. How does that feel? Yes, that is what I'm talking about. It's not so much of a physical pain. It could be mental pain slightly. But it's emotional pain. And it just proves how weak and vulnerable we humans are. Can you avoid emotion? It's in us.

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