Monday, February 14, 2011


So how have you spent your education years? What was school like? Did you make lots of friends? How were your grades? Did you become a better person? School has got to be a significant phase in life. People lament how things learnt in school are not related to what they do afterwards from graduation ever since. But has it got to be exactly related to what you do for a living later on?

The fact is, school does prepare for work. For integration into society. Because at school, we learn to work with others. Interact. Manage social circles. Demonstrate professionalism. Develop confidence. And find true friends. And academic preparation is a test of discipline, punctuality, focus and so on. Just like work which as a simple example, requires puncuality at least. Think about coming to work on time. And turning up for lectures on time. There is a correlation.

The rat race in Singapore is pretty brutal. It's like and up- for- grabs race, with immigrants fighting together with the locals to make money. Immigrants have already shown they are capable of excelling in the service sector. And some have even settled down here in Singapore to get the best education the country can offer. Education in Singapore is big in the region. It has attained such a status as a result of decades of building reputation.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One young marriage

Marriage is an institution. Marriage is bliss. Marriage is civilisation. Marriage is pure.

Hence it is no mistake to say that a young marriage, which means marriage of young individuals, can bring a great amount of happiness and contentment. It is based on the fact that the time spent together then would be greater. That equals greater happiness if the time spent was full of good things, even if there was occasional friction. But how could things go wrong, like what we've seen in society? Being too young to marry is out of question. But being able to be a husband or wife at a young age can be trying if either or both is not ready to commit.

There is a lot to ponder in marriage. It means getting to know your in- laws. Getting accepted into a wider family. Being faithful to your spouse. Being there always for each other. Sharing the same dreams and ideals. Sharing a goal. Making a living for one's self, another and the whole family.

Friday, January 28, 2011


In what can be as simple as displacement can be a serious form of thrill. How exciting can speed be on the roads? Not until an accident or a meet- up with the police. But speed on the roads has its thrills based on what the engines can do and the unique landscape it can bring. What about speed round the bend? An even greater dare promising more excitement. Not to forget, a greater danger and risk. So this speed on the road is much like a dare, like dodging a bullet or skydiving or swimming shark- infested waters.

Speed is spectacular in sport. World- class 100m sprinters take every technical aspect and detail seriously. Biomechanics, reaction time and ability and running form are some of the aspects that decide if it is possible to go under 10 seconds or not. Once again the 100m has always been the most popular event in contention every Olympics. Football, too, is speed. The English Premier League is the most fast- paced game around that it so much can be a form of short, sudden and impromptu sprinting competitions. The most lethal forwards are the speedy ones, leaving the defenders in despair and gasping for air. Because these forwards are taught repeatedly to put the ball in the goal in the least time possible. It just makes the beautiful game thrilling.

Speed has been put equal to technology. Get something done in a faster time than before and it could become a new discovery, a new gadget. Who in the 1900s would have guessed what e- mailing could do? Man has always been trying to fight against time to as far as imagining teleportation.