Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New commodity

Everything seems precious, and everyone wants a share. I wanted to throw some stacks of waste paper. But was stopped by the auntie. She needs it. I dunno for what but she seemed to regard it like something of real value. And if you sit around the coffeeshops there's these folks who go around collecting used drink cans. They are desperate. I'm having dinner and they keep a watchful eye on me- not me but the piece of shiny can on my table. It looks crazy. If people go after money that's understandable. But now in this new era, we have a new commodity- trash, scrap and reusable and recyclable items. These new generation of junk- collecting community is helping to save the Earth. But they are amusing too.

Trash is becoming a commodity. A train about to move off is as precious as gold. The bus about to move off too. The society's become so fast- paced, so competitive. It's weird to think about the things people go after these days.

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